Welcome lovers of words,
Creators of poetry,
And mere listeners.
Welcome all to a world of words.
Wonderous, beautiful, expressful words.
Welcome to a movement of freedom and engagement
Welcome to a cause that is just
A cause that will produce more words
Create more art
And entrust all to its wonder.
Now, let us all pay close attention to these words;
Marvel at their beauty and hear their true meaning.
Let us all listen to the sharing of these words.
Embrace them.
Let them caress your mind and soul
Let them envelope you for all that you are worth!
For you are worthless to them.
You pale in comparison to their power.
To their strength and to their meaning.
Without them, you are nothing.
So let go.
Lose yourself to them and they will lose themselves to you
You will become one and you will become free.
You will give them meaning and they will give you a purpose.
Use them right, and they will never fail you.
So many others will, but words will never let you down.
So be quiet now, and listen.
Listen to their meaning, do not let them deceive you.
Listen, for they have a meaning and the meaning is good.
They want to be heard,
Just as you want to be heard,
And your parents want to be heard,
And you friends, your neighbors,
And that man who lives up the street.
We all want to be heard
But to be heard, we must also listen
Listen to the words.
We must not only listen to them, but feel them.
And to make them heard we must really feel them
Become them.
If you cannot feel the words you are using,
Then no one else will.
So welcome.
Welcome to my world of words.
Welcome to a place where words and I become one.
Where they are more than mere characters upon paper
Where I have allowed them to envelope me for all that I am worth
Where I am no longer worthless for I wield the power of words.
Where I have become lost to them
Where you, too, will become lost to them
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