Wednesday, May 11, 2011

And What Did You Think Love Would be Like

A heart being torn a million different ways?
An explosion within?
Confusion, distrust,
Anger, and lust?
A strong, uncontrollable desire
To hug, to hit,
To kiss, to kick?
Finding the most beautiful rose,
Then pricking your finger on its thorns,
Watching as your blood slowly gathers,
Knowing you could bandage it, fix it,
But you’re still shocked that something so beautiful
Has caused you such pain?
Did you think it would be a comfort?
A security blanket to hide behind
And burry yourself beneath
To wait out the storm brewing outside?
Or an emotion too strong for one soul to hold?
What about a soldier walking through a mine field,
Searching for the mines, but not wanting to set them off
While enveloped in the dark with nothing but a spark
That could set off a high powered explosive,
An atomic bomb, affecting the lives of everyone nearby?
Or simply a never-ending childhood fantasy?
The unknown?
Did you think it would be like an old couple?
Bickering about the differences between identical things,
Knowing where the other keeps the coupon drawer,
Then finding it full of secrets
And the closet full of lies?
How about having a man
Who’s holding the cold barrel of a gun to your head
Place a hand on your shoulder
And reassure you that everything will be alright?
Could it be a warm and fuzzy ticking time-bomb?
That caresses you as it explodes
Causing you to feel the greatest and the worst feelings
Within moments of each other?
Or, at the end of the day,
After the pain, the anger, the frustration,
Wanting to do it all again?
What did you think love would be like?

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