Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Water Color Dream

Water Color Dream

Every night
you wrap your arms around me
enveloping my anxious orange soul in yours, a soothing cool blue of the artic,
as darkness does the earth,
protecting her from the white hot sun.

Our synchronized breathing slows –
in         then     out       then     in
and our untrained, hearts
thump-thump together in my ear
whispering our vulnerability
as sleep stretches his
irresistible arms out
and embraces us.

Moments before we’re encumbered
by a soft, periwinkle sleep,
your grasp tightens
attempting to pull me into your dreams
as soft and intangible
as the wispy clouds
silently slumbering above our heads
keeping the faded stars company
on a moonless night

When you wish me “goodnight”
a mumbled after-thought
of two words so often used
that their meaning is lost,
your words tickle me.
They drape themselves around me
and caress me with their golden warmth
making you
the last thing I know
as I succumb
to the over-powering desire
to fall into sleep’s welcoming arms.

Every night
I dream in watercolor
and always your colors blend with mine.
Your calm, reassuring, lavender
softening my charged, nervous tangerine.
Swirling, twirling, twisting, and mixing
together into a warm, nutmeg

Each time we touch,
it sends rusty paint splattering,
covering all around like dew
in the early pastel hours,
then dripping off lush green leaves
and running into
our very own watercolor stream
of thought that swells and evolves
until it is a full-grown raging river
of mossy, olive green.

My charged orange relaxes into
a mellow, sun-dried yellow
and turns ours into a lush, forest green.
Our tranquil colors carve a path
through rough, mauve mountains and
into deep, fern colored valleys,
traversing around smooth, ashen boulders
and under almond brown logs,
winding through the land like
the deep iris veins from my unsure heart

My goldenrod surges into a lustful scarlet
and our vivid plum waters reach patches void of color,
then spread through-out
leaving no blank spaces,
nothing untouched

Our watercolor rivers at long last converge
like Tyrian purple tidal estuaries
in an ocean of colorful emotions:
tranquil green and nervous tangerine,
lustful scarlet and comforting lavender,
soothing blue and warm nutmeg
And together we create a sepia trust that encompasses us
and protects us
like a boat upon our midnight sea.
On it we sail away from all our troubles
in a charcoal oblivion.
in my watercolor dream.

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